Thursday, September 30, 2010

Green Careers: Clean Energy - Solar Power

Green Careers: Clean Energy - Solar PowerIn this program, we'll view the entire range of jobs needed to make solar power a reality from research and development, design and marketing, and financial analysis to construction and project management. Engineers, analysts and managers share with us both how they work in this emerging green industry and how they found the opportunity to be part of the clean energy solution.

Jobs profiled in this program include:
Research & Development Engineer, Design Engineer, Marketing Manager, Financial Analyst, Construction Manager, and Project Manager

Part of the Green Careers series that cover eight new and growing industries giving young people a behind-the-scenes look at what it's like to work in a variety of jobs in each sector. In on-the-job profiles, we meet entrepreneurs, scientists, field biologists, engineers, managers and interns.

Also included is information on the educational requirements for entering various fields. By becoming stewards of our environment, young people who choose a green career can help solve the greatest problems of our time while finding work that matches their personal interests and values.

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Green energy diy-how to create your own green energy

Green go planet alone will save. People around the world thousands of green go really money savings also provide meaningful. At home you can create a new DIY Kit build own green power generators and green energy and some amazing.

Know about of course we are all to buy them how expensive and solar panels. Even though the Panel of the online auction site to find a second hand still Panel 2-300 should obtain at a fixed cost if you have tried them of following additional maintenance costs and work you don't not to pay for the remainder of the $ installing what is expensive.

You do not need to first experience of solar panels. Only a rudimentary knowledge of DIY build your own solar panels home. Welding bit complicated, but otherwise is very easy system setup. Once you are constructing them how, together to create panels and solar panels, to the instruction manual of the number of restrictions and wind turbine online approximately $ 50 available know. All components costing more than $ 200 will be solar panels at home to build awesome home business, money and fully functional solar panel maintenance can be and is not to worry about the cost of installation only short weekend.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Green energy history

Believe when initiating the fire probably date of global warming green energy history of current environmental issues human glass and heating and cooking in the first use of the Sun to see the world in many centuries is difficult.

The primitive fire centuries ago we now understand, as the energy of sunlight and Green has gives birth to the class. Advanced, none green solar system development today is different from 100 years ago, quite.

Turn it into energy time about how to write modern green energy history dates as scientists and engineers of the mid 1800s back to light. However, the first design patent gets to run the motor made it until the French man named Auguste Mouchout practice these sentences actually into solar energy from.

1870'S named Willoughby Smith is a British man can be classified as first solar-to-many started elephant and experiment. However, has been using a mirror skyrocketing really, William Adams and his people. His two... He was able to 5 HP steam engine power, and is known as the power Tower ground breaking achievement is still used to this day.

We from the history of our solar energy what learning is as a whole despite the continuous advancement and solar energy, solar energy in a big way really off. You begin solar energy more, even though the backing of the Royal family at various points through Government and history. At one point, solar energy from non-renewable fuel back to the coal prices and great and good attention moved. But it really solar energy utilization in progress 1800's reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels some of the bad of environment idea was, and they are also back you fully understand the storage.

1950 When heat from Silicon light and the sun shone's create a chemical reaction when discovered that it was great products that can be used as a conductor of Bell Laboratories one big has been improving. Basically, solar cells was born. The discovery is a technology used to create today we know as the solar panels.

Atop the roof of the solar panels and wind turbins became part of the regular tourist attractions, the world. Indicates the history of our solar energy that we've come a long way indeed, so always more that can and do the world's largest asset use.

Do deserve the benefits so exactly what is green electricity going green? wind go green, green power energy, green power is also recently built is heard a lot about green energy. The environment in your wallet that correct? In the wave of green power, future. Do not miss! all this technology for some of his actions get describes. Now, from electric power companies become free!

Solar power in Ontario could produce almost as much power as all U.S. nuclear reactors, to find the studies

ScienceDaily (Apr. 16, 2010)-solar energy in South-Eastern Ontario has the potential to almost the same amount of power as to produce all the nuclear reactors in the United States, two studies under the authority of the Queens's University applied sustainability research group based in Kingston, Canada.

These studies led by Queen's mechanical engineering professor Joshua Pearce, are solar energy potential.Professor Pearce first explore of the region was surprised how many gigawatt could be produced.

"We came up with enormous numbers and we were conservative.""There about 95 gigawatt potential performance in Southeastern Ontario-only that it shows massive potential", says Professor Pearce, solar photovoltaic materials and applied sustainability.

Computer urban discovered environment and systems, which accepts a study for publication in the journal, orientation and shades that if roof tops in Southeastern Ontario with solar panels covered option, you produce five gigawatt or around five per cent of Ontario's energy konnte.In of study were umbrella in account.

"To put this in perspective, all the coal plants in all Ontario produce well six gigawatt."The sun always seems not so if you could teach solar power with other renewable energy sources such as wind, hydropower and biomass, Southeastern Ontario easily cover its own energy needs, ", says Professor Pearce.

A second study, solar energy, considered country in Southeastern Ontario, used for solar farms released in may issue of the journal. could the study as a country with little economic value-barren, Rocky, not farmable areas in the vicinity of electrical Netze-and closed it has the potential to produce 90 gigawatts.

"Nuclear power for all of the USA is about 100 gigawatt.Wir produce 90 on barren land with only solar in this tiny region, so that we don't talk about small potatoes,"says Professor Pearce.""

The Professor studies led solid numbers offer decision makers on solar energy potential and possible solar Park find locations for developers.

Queen's civil engineering were also contribute to the studies students Lindsay Wiginton and mechanical engineering HA Nguyen student.

Story source:

The above story is from materials from Queen's University reprinted provided (with editorial adjustments of ScienceDaily staff).

Journal references:

L.k. Wiginton h.t Nguyen, j.m. Pearce.To quantify the rooftop solar photovoltaic potential for regional renewable energy policy. computers, environment and urban systems, 2010; DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2010.01.001H.T.Nguyen, j.m Pearce.Estimating potential photovoltaic r.sun yield and the open source geographical resources analysis support system.Solar Energy 2010; 84 (5): 831 DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2010.02.009

Note: If no author is specified, instead cites the source.

View the original article here

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Solar energy production makes good business sense for Governments, study finds

ScienceDaily (May 21, 2010) – Canadian and provincial governments could spend to build a large scale solar photovoltaic production system $ 2.4 billion and then give it away for free and earn a profit is still in the long run performed according to a financial analysis of Queens's University applied sustainability research group in Kingston, Canada.

Queen's University engineering professor Joshua Pearce led the students - published in the August issue of the scientific review all - should support surprised to discover the answer is an overwhelming even in extreme situations and feels Governments aggressively use this industry the financial opportunity to find out whether it was economic sense for Governments to support the production of solar cells in Canada macht.Er.

"This study used hard financial Zahlen.Alles, what we have done is transparent and all our equations are in the study," says Professor Pearce. "Clear and massive costs outweigh the benefits which manufacture in Canada are encouraging solar."

The report saw six different scenarios: everything from building a plant and it give away or more traditional and less costly credit guarantees or taxes to sell holidays for a company of the private sector, to construct the plant. In all scenarios both federal and provincial governments positive cash flows in less than 12 years enjoyed in many of the scenarios both Governments earned well over one and eight percent return on investment of hundreds of millions to $ 2.4 billion to go.

Revenue for the Governments of nearly $ 500 million per year, were determined by taxation (personal, corporate and sales), sale of panels, and health, environmental and economic costs settled saved-fired electricity coal.

Queen's study began last summer, before the Government of Ontario announced a 7 billion - dollar - makes - production and manufacturing in January deal with Samsung.Professor Pearce says Canadians are the winners, but some criticism of the business.

"" Canada will really make up, when Samsung comes through with what you said go to tun.Wir gave you a little incentive and Samsung give us a lot of jobs, less pollution and a long term essential Einnahmequelle.Wir are absolutely currently winning on this Deal--there is no question, ", says Professor Pearce.The market is much larger than the Samsung business."The question is now how to bring more photovoltaic manufacturer to the province."

The energy policy report co-authored by Queen's student Kadra Branker, studied the financial implications in Ontario, but Professor Pearce says the numbers can apply to all provinces in Canada.

Story source:

The above story is from materials from Queen's University reprinted provided (with editorial adjustments of ScienceDaily staff).

Journal reference:

K. Branker, j. m. Pearce.Financial return for Government to support the large-scale thin-film solar photovoltaic production in Canada. energy policy, 2010; 38 (8): 4291 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2010.03.058

Note: If no author is specified, instead cites the source.

View the original article here

Monday, September 27, 2010

Solar energy: cheaper solar concentrator with fewer photovoltaic cells

ScienceDaily (Apr. 22, 2010) - a new solar concentrator design from a Ph.d student of electrical engineering at the University of California, San Diego could solar concentrators, less expensive and require fewer photovoltaic cells than existing solar concentrators. The graduate student, Jason Karp and his colleagues at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of engineering presented the new solar concentrator in a paper in the January 2010 issue of the magazine Optics Express.

While engineers have developed already high efficiency of solar concentrators, the Sun focus optics to integrate hundreds of times and can deliver the power of the rigid solar panels twice the new design offers potential new benefits. Existing solar concentrator systems use typically arrays of single lenses to concentrate, which all must be aligned and bonded directly on independent photovoltaic cells.On the other hand the new solar concentrator collects on the sunlight with thousands of small lenses, a common sheet aufgedruckt.Alle this lenses couple in an apartment "Waveguide" light on a single photovoltaic cell funnel.

Karp built a working prototype with only two primary optical components which materials, alignment and mounting. This solar concentrator is compatible with high-volume, low cost production.

Karp "Is the real reason that we try this type of concentrator, certainly for costs," said in an interview after winning best poster at the research Expo 2010 UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.Karp declared that its design the cost of the optical system, the the entire system associated minimiert.Ein building look very cheap trail engineers to existing production techniques. The new solar concentrator is compatible with existing role-to role processing techniques, large TV involved production.

Karp designed and built by prototypes for the new solar concentrator in the Photonic systems integration Laboratory headed by Professor Joseph Ford electrical engineering from UC San Diego Jacobs School of engineering.

April 15 won Karp and his solar concentrator 2010 Rudee research Expo outstanding poster award at 29th annual research Expo at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of engineering.The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the California Energy (CEC) provided some funding for this research.

Story source:

The above story is made of materials by the University of California - San Diego, provided through EurekAlert fulù (with editorial adjustments of ScienceDaily staff)!, a service of AAAS.

Journal reference:

Karp et al. Planar micro optics - solar concentrator .Optik Express, 2010; 18 (2): 1122 DOI: 10.1364/OE.18.001122

Note: If no author is specified, instead cites the source.

View the original article here

Solar panels can breeding aquatic insects... win, but scientists suggest a simple fix

ScienceDaily (28 May 2010)-solar energy may nature most plentiful and benign source of energy, but shiny dark solar cells can aquatic insects away from critical breeding lure areas, warn scientists from Michigan State University and colleagues.

The use of white grids or other methods to break the polarized reflection of light far less probably makes, however, mayflies and other aquatic insects, eggs on the panels who think that water, the Group discovered you deposit.

This research shows that solar panels are a strong new source of polarized light pollution, the ecological traps for many kinds of insects, created, says Bruce Robertson, researcher at the MSU Kellogg biological station in Hickory corners. "This is the important conservation importance given the radical expansion of solar energy and the strong negative impact of ecological traps on animal populations."

Nonpolarizing know grids, he adds, a novel approach to reduce the attractiveness of a false Habitat by applying what biologists call habitat fragmentation shows. This is usually harmful species an effect, but promises to solve a conservation problem in this case.

Robertson's team estimates that solar cells add white markings could reduce your ability to collect solar energy maybe 1.8 per cent depending on the Strip cover after distance.

Conventional solar cells share a problem with glass-clad buildings and other wide shiny dark surface-even vehicles.Polarized reflected sunlight or in a single, often horizontal plane that is as at least 300 species of insect aligned to the surface of the water see their eggs.

The species Caddis and mayflies error flies glossy dark surfaces for water, set for reproductive failure and are often easy targets for predators, Robertson and Naturschutz.lokalen colleagues mentioned in a recent online article in the magazine population collapse could a result with cascading effects on predators and other types of the food chain.

People recognize usually reflected sunlight as glare that Polarized Sunglasses, by filtering the horizontal waves by vertically polarized lenses surmounted.

Robertson his research in Hungary led scientists E?tv?s University in Budapest and Szent Istv?n University in Bremerhaven, Hungary zugeordnet.Ihre was work by the US Department of energy's Great Lakes bioenergy research center and the Hungarian Science Foundation supports.

Story source:

The above story is made of materials by the Michigan State University provided (with editorial adjustments of ScienceDaily staff) printed.

Journal reference:

G?bor Horv?th, Mikl?s Blaho, ?d?m Egri, Gy?rgy Kriska, Istv?n Seres, Bruce Robertson..Erhaltung of reduction of maladaptive attractiveness of solar panels, insects Polarotactic biology, 2010; DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01518.x

Note: If no author is specified, instead cites the source.

View the original article here

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Green energy forecasting the future 10 years "to keep the Green

We leak in the Gulf of Mexico, the pollution of our southern coast has a massive oil spill. We light our car, our home, our plane fly, heat and cool our home our office buildings, production, purchase and use fossil fuels more impossible to transport the goods. We will have amazing speed with these fuels, and finally to stop us. Do you need us to why,? we will going to fuel these runs cause, or to to to get expensive to perform these tasks and other is forced to find a source of fuel will. There is a need to devise a new energy sources in the last ten years, future offers. Prediction than renewable energy, "green energy" is initiated by using what is known.

Is the term commonly used to describe do not pollute the use is considered environmentally friendly green energy and energy. Examples of green energy, wind power, solar, geothermal heat power, hydro-electric power. Environment easier to not create more pollution and use of these energy sources as a green that is labeled and fully utilize them.

This is most often green energy from use ways to make electricity for consumers to use alternative sources of energy of the other power. Distribution using the electricity grid system uses large-scale wind power plants of wind turbines and wind energy, we now the course is in the upgrade. More geothermal heat process used to generate electricity using hydro-electric means to generate energy. All of these technologies will present today, and we must, and it can reduce the amount of pollution by destroyed now our planet, that you use to generate electricity.

Available for different types of green energy is the detail level of the individual. When to use us as individuals, our House is, alternative energy sources, the "green energy. "Efforts to convert system you can. Generating electricity from solar panels, solar, can be installed. You can install small wind turbines to produce the required electricity all often. Start trends as individuals, we, from non-renewable fuel renewable energy use to switch to, and that can lead the industry.

The energy-saving free report details about alternative here:, and green energy. Passionate about Jim Hess green energy and expert author is a green alternative energy conversion. On his website, see

Friday, September 24, 2010

Environmental impact of organic solar cells that rated

ScienceDaily (Sept. 20, 2010)-solar energy could be a central alternative to petroleum-based energy production. Current solar cell technology often creates the same energy yield, and is more expensive to competitive. In addition, information about the overall impact of solar energy on the environment is incomplete, say experts.

To better understand the energy and the environmental benefits and disadvantages of solar power, has a team from Rochester Institute of technology one of the first life cycle analyses of organic solar cells durchgeführt.Die study found that embodied energy or the total energy which is less for organic solar cells, as compared to conventional inorganic devices required to machen-a product.

"This analysis it takes to an organic solar cell manufacture, has implications for both costs and environmental impact of technology, provides a comprehensive assessment of how much energy," says Brian Landi, Assistant Professor of chemical engineering at RIT and a faculty advisor to the project.

"Lead"organic solar cells are flexible and easily, and have the promise of low cost solution processing, benefits for manufacturing over previous generation technologies, may have to use mainly inorganic semiconductor materials"Annick Anctil, researcher on the study and a fourth year PhD student in RIT of doctoral studies in sustainability adds.""However, previous evaluations of energy and environmental impacts of the technology were incomplete and a more comprehensive analysis is required to assess the overall impact of the production and use."

The study attempts to calculate the total energy consumption and environmental impact of material collection, production, mass production and use organic solar cells by a comprehensive life cycle assessments of the technology.

Anctil had a component by component breakdown not have previous life cycle analyses, of any material that in an organic solar cell present or a calculation defines the total energy payback of the device as the energy from their use versus the energy required, produced around the cell production.

The team noted that compared to inorganic cells energy payback time for organic solar cells lag.Laufende studies to verify the device stability but warranting persist.

"The produced data helps assess designers and potential manufacturers use and improvement of technology and analysis of feasibility compared to other solar and alternative energy technologies," adds Landi.

The team presented the results at the Institute for electrical and electronics engineers 2010 photovoltaic specialists Conference.Anctil that award at the Conference for best research won hopes a student to analyse the environmental impact of solar cell development with additional life cycle analyses of other types of solar cell technology.

The study was funded by the United States Department of energy and researchers from RIT's Golisano Institute for sustainability and nano power research labs.

Story source:

The above story is made of materials reprinted provided by Rochester Institute of technology (with editorial adjustments of ScienceDaily staff).

Note: If no author is specified, instead cites the source.

View the original article here

How to watch the solar energy housing as a green energy solution

Solar energy is many people appreciate, with common themes. Residential solar energy recognizes our necessities that soon there are a lot of use of solar energy also accepted that the ???? when you are. If you especially one some money involved in saving to saving our planet. Residential solar power is a green energy solution inevitable!

And all for the lack of this gratitude hits the market of the majority of people will be taken of any residential solar power products. Displays the person in the light of the fraud and scams. That otherwise may bring these products they are good reference. "Bad DIY product of course some individuals to other users on the fraud and those hard earned cash to develop fraud". However for fraud as a matter of course while standing exercise diligence in some cases these problems you must!, rather than focusing on those of other people about them, not the good stuff and good really share to it is better to concentrate on.

Residential solar energy is now required in our lives. If the stop was prohibited from going solar energy Green myth because it is the time to do your homework. What only thanks to take Sun going one step can go a long way. First, reducing electricity to save some money this way. Second Green is a sure way to deal with this method and to control global warming.

Know that the much talked about the importance of going green residential solar power generation. Think it's more affordable to the average home owners some people more expensive in the residential solar power? Of these, yet to install solar power at home you think it's more expensive system probably is not to use clean energy to counter global warming for the citizens, aware to current trends by the Government. Out are enable to reduce the power Bill only to build your own system from scratch entrepreneurs and innovative companies motivated green energy enthusiast of solar products. DIY claimed that as mentioned above some people these scams and fraud into contempt. You can blast views people, mere opinion or personal! otherwise it can how residential solar energy for us and our world to that thanks to shadow.

Residential solar power in free video to see our site by learn how solar energy works.